Master Class by Shammi Nanda on Nonviolent Communication
Shammi Nanda, famous Nonviolent Communicator was at ARCH to conduct a Master Class with our students. Sharing his journey, he told us “I have experienced the power of NVC in my life where I now try to be more mindful when triggers come to me and act and speak from a place of choice rather than being in an autopilot mode or reactiveness...at the same time when I see others acting on the triggers and share challenging stuff I try to see what is this human being wanting. Its this same freedom which I would want more and more people in my community to experience and I enjoy sharing NVC to my friends and community. I see the power of NVC not just in our personal relations but also in social transformation.” His words and the session was highly inspiring not only on the plane of moral consciousness but also in terms how to tackle violent situations in day to day life with nonviolent, peaceful means.